Spring hiking is great, but ticks can be a real nuisance. Here are some key tips to keep them off you:
Before You Hike
✅ Wear Light-Colored Clothing – Makes it easier to spot ticks.
✅ Cover Up – Wear long sleeves, pants, and tuck your pants into your socks.
✅ Use Tick Repellent – Apply DEET (at least 20%) or permethrin on clothes.
✅ Choose Your Trails Wisely – Stick to the center of trails and avoid brushing against tall grass and bushes.
During the Hike
✅ Avoid Sitting Directly on the Ground – Use a blanket or sit on rocks/logs instead.
✅ Check Yourself Periodically – Stop and do quick tick checks, especially if you brush against vegetation.
✅ Watch Your Pets – If bringing a dog, use tick prevention products and check them frequently.
After the Hike
✅ Do a Full-Body Tick Check – Pay attention to warm, hidden spots: behind knees, under arms, waistband, scalp, and behind ears.
✅ Shower Within Two Hours – Helps wash off loose ticks.
✅ Throw Clothes in the Dryer – A hot tumble for 10-15 minutes kills any hidden ticks.
If you do find a tick attached, remove it with fine-tipped tweezers as close to the skin as possible, pull straight out, and clean the area with alcohol. Keep an eye on the bite for any signs of infection or Lyme disease symptoms.
Stay safe and enjoy the trails! 🌿🚶♂️