This spring, JCVCD wants you to be tick aware! Two species of ticks, the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) and the Western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus) are common in our area. Both can transmit diseases to humans and pets. Keep in mind that a common place to find ticks is along the edges of trails, so walk in the middle whenever possible and use an EPA-approved repellent. Remember to check your body, clothing, gear, and pets for ticks after being outdoors!

Tick Prevention and Disease Information
- CDC- Preventing Tick Bites
- National Pesticide Information Center – Choosing and Using Insect Repellents
- University of Rhode Island – Tick Encounter
#DontBeATickTarget Helpful Links
#DontBeATickTarget Testing Locations
Tick-Borne Illness Information